Have you ever thought, why is it that our security system only works after someone has already broken in?
Why doesn’t it work before the damage is done and someone can be in your house? Will the security company even get there in time?
No matter what, they will charge you the monthly monitoring fees.
Introducing Plug and Safe. Never come home to a dark house. Never miss someone knocking at the door. Never stumble around in the dark at night. Forget the old fashion security technology that goes off only after the intruder is in. Plug and safe scares off the intruder before they come in. Even if you have a security system. You still need Plug and Safe to welcome you home with light and music.
Plug and Safe. No tools, no installation, no monitoring fees.
If you can plug in a lamp, you can install your Whole Home Security System. From a small apartment, to a 5 bedroom house. By simply plugging in the Plug and Safe, it immediately maps out your house, your apartment. Within a few seconds, Plug and Safe monitors all your points of entrance. It becomes your security blanket. Using the secret declassified Sub Sonic Wave technology. Plug and Safe immediately knows if someone is trying to enter. Immediately the lights come on, the radio turns on. Anything you plug into the Plug and Safe turns on. Have that safe and secure feeling in your House.