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Bumpits self gripping leave-in volumizing hair inserts give you instant volume and let you enjoy FEELING CONFIDENT and BEAUTIFUL, like you just stepped out of a professional salon!!

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Will the Bumpits™ inserts blend with any hair color? What colors are available?

Yes, when you style as directed, the Bumpit™ inserts will blend with any hair color without being seen. Everyone will notice you are having a Happy Hair day, but no one will know your secret. Bumpits comes in light blonde, medium/dark blonde, brunette/auburn/ and black to color match any shade.

Will Bumpits™ inserts Stay in my hair all day no matter what the style? What hold Bumpits in the hair so securely?

Yes, if you style as directed Bumpits tm Insets will stay firmly in your hair unless you remove it. The raised patented edging firmly grips any hair type. We advise that ladies with finer, thinner hair do some light teasing at the base to ensure a firm hold.

Can Bumpits™ inserts be worn doing any activities?

Yes! We’ve rocked the Bumpits™ inserts dancing, working out, during work, shopping, and at formal events. Bumpits has never let us down.

What is the Mini Bumpits™ inserts for?

The Mini-Bumpit creates the perfect bang bump for the thinnest to the thickest hair. The Mini Bumpit will give you just the right amount of lift.

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