ABOUT Dollars4Gold

Don't sell yourself short or sell your gold and precious metals for less money than you deserve!
Do you want to deal at the top of the market directly with a bona fide precious metal refiner with more than 35 years in the precious metal refining industry? One who was the first U.S. refinery with ISO 14001 certification (the highest environmental certification), is a patron member of the International Precious Metal Institute (IPMI), Board of Directors IPMI, member of Climate Wise, Performance Track, (by invitation only by the U.S. government); one that voluntary reports green house gases, a member of the Jewelers Board of Trade and more? Do you want to avoid the middlemen? Do you want to sell your unwanted valuables for more?
If your answer to any of these is yes, then your metals should make their first and final stop here. With Dollars4Gold your metals will be sent directly to the refinery.
With the growing publicity that gold has received recently due to its explosive increase in price, many new Internet based and direct response companies have seized the opportunity to get rich quick off the public's selling of old and unwanted jewelry and silver flatware. Other companies claim to offer the highest prices, quick payments, high levels of integrity and honesty in their dealing. These "Johnny Come Latelys" holding themselves out as refineries offer "satisfaction guarantees" as well as "money back guarantees". Many even claim "impeccable reputation". But underneath the claims, you might be sending your valuables to a middle-man. At Dollars4Gold we are not in the jewelry business and we are not an intermediary. We are the final stop which all others advertise to be.
Don't be fooled or underpaid!