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Fyback is your lower back pain solution!

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Lower back pain is the most common medical problem among Industrialized countries.

Almost 8 out of 10 people develop back pain some time in their lives. Americans spend at least $50 billion each year on low back pain, the most common cause of job-related disability and a leading contributor to missed work.

Most common causes of low back pain include injury or overuse of muscles, ligaments, facet joints, and the sacroiliac joints. Nerve root compression which can be caused by a herniated disc, often brought on by repeated vibration or motion (as during machine use or spot activity, or when lifting improperly), or by sudden heavy strain or increased pressure to the lower back.

fyback introduces a revolutionary exercise equipment, fyback, which is used to promote the ranges of motion of lumbar spine and pelvic, stretch and strengthen the muscles of pelvic, lumbar spine and abdominal musculature.

fyback is a revolutionary mechanism. That gets individuals involved in active rehabilitation of low back segments of the spine and pelvic/hip regions.
fyback is a revolutionary rehabilitation equipment used to reduce and eliminate back pain, promote tissue healing. It is also used for discotherapy.
fyback helps to stabilize lumbar spine, and prevent low back/pelvic pain, prevents disc related pain.

 Benefits of fyback:

• Improves posture.
• Improves stamina, coordination, flexibility and joint mobility, core strength, and muscular tonicity.
• Restores lost movement of the lumbar spine and pelvic/hip regions.
• Promote low back pain healing process and prevent low back pain.
• Helps strengthening the stabilizing muscles into correct body alignment.
• Your workout will be more effective with less risk of injury as you move through the exercises.

Fyback Your Lower Back Pain Solution!

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